Friday, May 22, 2020

Looking for Savitri 2.0

Today is Savitri Vrata ( On this day, two books always come to my mind. One is Savitri Vrata katha (Story of Savitri) read today in every Odia household and another Sri Aurobindo's Savitri (of course it's about Savitri!).

This book - "Savitri - a Legend and a Symbol" an epic poem by Sri Aurobindo, has been lying at my home book shelve for more than twenty years - almost never opened, never read by anyone in the family. During my graduation days, I attempted in reading and making a sense of it. My brevity lasted only two days with only three pages of reading of which, most of the time was spent on browsing the dictionary. If someone has a little superiority complex of having master over the English language and vocabulary, he/she should try reading this book. First few pages should be enough to show him the mirror. Such strong is the vocabulary, poetic brilliance of symbolism and metaphoric mysticism that even Englishmen fear to dive into it.  You can read this book at This must be the greatest epic in the English language. This is one exceptional epic by one exceptional man. Salute to him.

Like all poetry, it's the poet's own muse; his/her own egoistic expression that a reader has to tolerate. Savitri is no exception. My guess is that, the number of earthmen who understand 20% of it should be in single digit. Its central theme revolves around the transcendence of man as the consummation of terrestrial evolution, and the emergence of an immortal supramental gnostic race upon earth"

I got translations of Savitri too in my native language Odia. The first one by Mohapatra Nilamani Sahu, who instead of simplifying the text, further complicated it with narrative obscure Odia prose. While reading that, I felt, understanding in English itself could have helped. And the other one by Nimai charan Mohapatra who translated it again into Odia poetry ! It' again kind of a biblical translation understanding which is another nightmare.  Each of these Odia author tried to show their brilliance in Odia and did the same mistake what Sri Aurobindo did!

Sri Aurobindo envisioned about Superman who will get a descent from Divine leading to the "triumph of spirit over matter" but it all depends on human receptivity, human willingness to transcend the present limitations and man's preparedness to be disillusioned about his own hypocrisies. It is not a question of an individual transcending; it is the question of humanity transcending.

You may agree with me that, if at all Sri Aurobindo wanted humanity to show some sort of preparedness, he perhaps missed the bus as a Guru or as a coach. Humanity is dying today. In the day to day struggle, what humanity needs to survive today is solace, comforting words, words that can heal; Simple words that an average person with average IQ like me can understand. Literature should be for the masses; if it's not helping the society, it's of no good use.

I often wonder why Manoj Das never produced a translation of Savitri! Perhaps he's even confused between Over-fitting and Under-fitting!!

Savitri 2.0! Anyone listening in the cosmos....???

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