Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014

The year is about to pass, giving way to another.

This process of counting years and changing calendars has been running and will run ad infinitum.

Will there always be somebody to change the calendar, to count it, to celebrate it?

Was somebody counting 3000 years ago? Will somebody count 3000 years from now?

Why the hell I am so obsessed with apocalypse? Is it because I watched too many Hollywood flicks this year?

Friends will advise just to forget what we did last year. Chareibati, Chareibati… Move on Move on... Upanishad echoes from the past.

Whoever wished you a happy new year, do they bother to check whether their wish worked? Did they really wished, prayed from the core of their heart for your happiness or they just followed trend and played rhetoric.

Forgive and Forget.

If their wishes didn’t work, it’s you who didn’t take it seriously and vice versa.

What I wish for myself and for others?

I wish for myself a tension free year. Let the realities offer more than my expectations.

For others, let them be happy with whatever way world turns.

‘How can one prevent a drop of water from ever drying up?’

In the final minutes of the soul searching movie Samsara an emotionally broken Buddhist monk comes across this question engraved into one side of a stone that’s sitting on top of an old stone wall, he slowly turns the stone around and sees engraved on the other side of the stone:

 ‘By throwing it into the sea …’

I belong to this Samsara — sea of life, love and truth. 

Samsara — Full of homo sapiens like me. Like every other, for I cannot be an exception, I follow the same trend: to wish and to say it aloud to you “Happy New Year”!!!

“Happy New Year” — the most used three-word-phrase for this week, only next to “I love you”!!!


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